Friday, October 29, 2010

observations thus far

1.  the price of gas here is crazy- $1.17 what the???
2.  really good whole bean coffee can be purchased just about anywhere
3.  tonnes of people run here come rain or shine...
4.  fleece fleece fleece
5. why does cheese in this part of the country have to be sooo expensive?
6. hebrew national hot dogs are by far the best
7. the mountains make me stop and stare no matter where i am
8. store signs here crack us up ie. "The Taste Good Won Ton Restuarant", "the original food with finest spices" and last but  not least.."Good good eat"
9. on a clear day that Mt. Baker is reallly something
10. you learned to drive that big big SUV where?  did you happen to read our #1?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the noticed silence

its not that silent not at all really.  the boys make noise- laughing and tossing toys and then the yells. beatrice makes noise, the laughter and the ma ma mas its a delight.  the airplanes make sooo much noise zooming over head i am not sure if i will be able to tune them out. its the birds i miss. we had such lovely little ones visit us over breakfast. the chickadees and the cardinals i loved watching them the flashes of colour, the perching on our little balcony the tossing of birdseed and the noise- the birdie noises.  we have such mountains with so many birds and the ocean with bald eagles plus i saw the biggest heron dive for a fish while walking on the dyke. but no day to day birds. just to sit quietly and watch them the yellow finches and the way my boys would echo... "mama there is a chicka dee dee dee on our porch!!"  i miss that, the lovely birds sitting on my ledge sitting quietly even if for just a moment until they notice their audience. it is in the silence that i remember them. i recall the sounds and fondly i miss them. birdies, little ones having breakfast, waiting for a friend and then off they go. off they go.

Friday, October 22, 2010

out of the mouths of babes

Atticus  "mommy why do i have Jesus in my heart and not God"
Me       "well God is Jesus daddy and He is in heaven and we get to God by going to Jesus"...
 I am of course praying that this is the best answer I can give my 4 year old.
Atticus  "mommy what happens if the food gets on Jesus in my tummy"
Me    "I don't think that will be a problem Atticus"
Atticus  "Jesus must be bigger than me if he can be in so many different places"
Me  "yes dear he is"

Phin chewing away on his lunch agrees with Atticus but pipes in that he has both in his tummy
the boys

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the time has gone where?

the view from our park
it is the 20th of October how incredible - incredibly good and sad because it goes so fast and i have yet to sit down and really ponder all that has happenned in the last 6 to7 weeks. there are cherished missed friends that i need to write and connect with and of course get to the last of those boxes in the garage.
we are here in Richmond and we are settling in and God continues to amazes us. there are so many little things that He has done to show how much He loves and wants to delight us. the parks around the corner, how close we are to the bridge to get us to Vancouver- the mountains in view, our home the space and the wonder of it all and of course- great whole bean coffee for sale at every grocery store...... we took a hike as much as you can hike with little ones on Sunday - Andrew was in his glory- we were all in the glory of our maker.  it is the little things but icing on the cake sort of things that He is blowing us away with.

Lynn Valley up up up

looking down from the bridge- heart in my throat and babe on my back