we are heading out to calgary this thursday for a conference that andrew will be working at. This conference invites people from all over canada to come and take the leadership training course to then help do the program at their local churches. it is a fairly good sized group this year and andrew will be doing some teaching and acting, pretty much doing what is needed really. anyways us guys are going with him YAY!! it is a retreat centre about an hour outside of calgary where the nearest tv and icecream i am told is 30 min away. it is a lovely place where yours truly won't have to make or clean up a meal!! i tell ya this is thrilling!!! yet we all have to sleep in one room which i am not as thrilled about but the boys are beyond excited about it...... my oh my the fun they are going to have.. anyways we are taking 2 days to get there... its a GLORIOUS drive thru the rocky mountains. we are staying in banff the one night checking out lake louise etc. we are pretty excited about that. on the way home we are stopping in edmonton to say hello and spend the night with mike peng and kate holt- do they know what they are getting themselves into? next we are off to jasper to see the glaciers yahoo!!! we are then heading home via the okanagan valley to stay a few days with my friend barbara and her hubby al ( you may remember them from the wedding... not dating yet) anyhoo they live in kelowna near the vineyards so we are going to relax cause we will need it after andrew's busy busy week. if you could remember to pray for us that would be so appreciated. sleep will be a tad sassy for us and with the conference schedule it will be mommy big time.. also the mosquitos are terrible and our atticus reacts so horribly. other than that safety driving and safety hiking with little ones.... well that makes me nervous sometimes... with climby magoo beatrice.. good grief!!
life is busy and time goes sooo fast we are missing being a part of your physical lives. we will post photos when we can. we would love to hear from you guys & with whats going on with you. we love you and pray God's riches blessings on your lives.
much peace much joy and many coffee breaks along the waylife is busy and time goes sooo fast we are missing being a part of your physical lives. we will post photos when we can. we would love to hear from you guys & with whats going on with you. we love you and pray God's riches blessings on your lives.